
夏恩柯文 / 整裝待發20周年紀念版
Shawn Colvin / A Few Small Repairs : 20th Anniversary Edition
2017年 09月 19日
産品編號: 88985448532

★ 榮獲3座葛萊美獎之民謠創作才女,1996年第四張錄音室專輯,20周年進口典藏版
★ 收錄拿下全美熱門單曲榜第7名、抒情榜冠軍單曲、同時勇奪葛萊美年度唱片與年度歌曲兩項大獎之經典名曲 "Sunny Came Home",以及“You and The Mona Lisa" 等"Nothin' On Me"多首經典
★ 加值收錄7首Bonus歌曲,以及Shawn Colvin 與製作人 John Leventhal音樂紀事與珍稀照片

    1. Sunny Came Home
    2. Get Out of This House
    3. The Facts About Jimmy
    4. You and The Mona Lisa
    5. Trouble
    6. I Want It Back
    7. If I Were Brave
    8. Wichita Skyline
    9. 84,000 Different Delusions
    10. Suicide Alley
    11. New Thing Now
    12. Nothin' on Me
    13. Sunny Came Home (Live at KFOG)
    14. Trouble (Live from Columbia Records Radio Hour)
    15. Get Out of This House (Live at KFOG)
    16. The Facts About Jimmy (Live at the Ryman)
    17. You and The Mona Lisa (Live at the Ryman)
    18. If I Were Brave (Live from Columbia Records Radio Hour)
    19. Ricochet in Time (Live at the Ryman)