尼爾:自動人形 鋼琴輯
Piano Collections NieR:Automata
2018年 04月 25日
産品編號: SQEX-10653
01. Piano: Weight of the World/Weight of the World
02. Piano: 遊園施設/Amusement Park
03. Piano: 美シキ歌/A Beautiful Song
04. Piano: 遺サレタ場所/City Ruins
05. Piano: 依存スル弱者/Dependent Weakling
06. Piano: 穏ヤカナ眠リ/Peaceful Sleep
07. Piano: 複製サレタ街/Copied City
08. Piano: 還ラナイ声/Voice of no Return
09. Piano: 双極ノ悪夢/Bipolar Nightmare
10. Piano: 「塔」/The Tower
11. Piano: 終ワリノ音/The Sound of the End
12. Piano: 曖昧ナ希望/Vague Hope
巴哈商城 https://goo.gl/ZtTUrp
博客來 https://goo.gl/oK49uY
誠品網路書店 https://goo.gl/GmmNai
五大唱片 https://goo.gl/gTQcJy
01. Piano: Weight of the World/Weight of the World
02. Piano: 遊園施設/Amusement Park
03. Piano: 美シキ歌/A Beautiful Song
04. Piano: 遺サレタ場所/City Ruins
05. Piano: 依存スル弱者/Dependent Weakling
06. Piano: 穏ヤカナ眠リ/Peaceful Sleep
07. Piano: 複製サレタ街/Copied City
08. Piano: 還ラナイ声/Voice of no Return
09. Piano: 双極ノ悪夢/Bipolar Nightmare
10. Piano: 「塔」/The Tower
11. Piano: 終ワリノ音/The Sound of the End
12. Piano: 曖昧ナ希望/Vague Hope
巴哈商城 https://goo.gl/ZtTUrp
博客來 https://goo.gl/oK49uY
誠品網路書店 https://goo.gl/GmmNai
五大唱片 https://goo.gl/gTQcJy