
絕對收藏精選 (2CD)
2013年 01月 11日
産品編號: 88725497632
★收錄首支TOP 10單曲Power and the Passion,TOP 4名作The Dead Heart,榮登美國現代搖滾榜單曲冠軍的Blue Sky Mine等雙CD超值精選

1 Run By Night
2 Cold Cold Change
3 Back On The Borderline
4 Wedding Cake Island
5 No Time For Games
6 Don't Wanna Be The One
7 Armistice Day
8 Lucky Country
9 Only The Strong
10 Short Memory
11 Read About It
12 US Forces
13 Power And The Passion
14 When The Generals Talk
15 Best Of Both Worlds
16 Kosciusko
17 Progress
18 Hercules

1 Beds Are Burning
2 Put Down That Weapon
3 Dreamworld
4 The Dead Heart
5 Warakurna
6 Blue Sky Mine
7 Forgotten Years
8 King Of The Mountain
9 One Country
10 Truganini
11 My Country
12 In The Valley
13 Surf's Up Tonight
14 Redneck Wonderland
15 White Skin Black Heart
16 Say Your Prayers
17 Golden Age
18 Luritja Way