★ 永遠的搖滾樂之王 生涯出道最初期1953-1955年間,於Sun Records 錄製之所有錄音大記事 3CD進口精美精裝版隆重呈獻
★ 忠實記錄搖滾樂之王18-20歲之間年少鋒芒畢露的才華洋溢,收錄1953-1955年間,於Sun Records 錄製之所有錄音室音軌,包括年少貓王自掏腰包錄製的兩首珍貴歌曲” My Happiness”, “That’s When Your Heartaches Begin”、珍稀錄音剪輯、以及電台現場表演錄音
★ 內附120頁全彩精裝搖滾紀事手冊,收錄豐富貓王私人珍藏照片,以及1953-1955之重要演出影像記綠,以及專人文字導讀介紹,年少貓王最精采完整的史詩級記錄作品
Disc 1
- My Happiness
- That's When Your Heartaches Begin
- I'll Never Stand In Your Way
- It Wouldn't Be the Same Without You
- Harbor Lights
- I Love You Because (Unprocessed Master Edit)
- That's All Right
- Blue Moon of Kentucky
- Blue Moon ((Take 9/M))
- Tomorrow Night
- I'll Never Let You Go (Little Darlin')
- I Don't Care If the Sun Don't Shine
- Just Because
- Good Rockin' Tonight
- Milkcow Blues Boogie
- You're a Heartbreaker
- I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone (Slow Version)
- Baby, Let's Play House
- I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone
- I Forgot to Remember to Forget
- Mystery Train
- Trying to Get to You
- When It Rains, It Really Pours
- That's All Right (RCA Single Version)
- Blue Moon of Kentucky (RCA Single Version)
- I Love You Because
- Tomorrow Night (RCA LP Version)
Disc 2
- Harbor Lights (Takes 1-2, 3/M)
- Harbor Lights (Take 4)
- Harbor Lights (Takes 5-8)
- I Love You Because (Takes 1-2)
- I Love You Because (Take 3)
- I Love You Because (Takes 4-5)
- That's All Right (Takes 1-3)
- Blue Moon of Kentucky (Alternate Take)
- Blue Moon (Takes 1-4)
- Blue Moon (Take 5)
- Blue Moon (Takes 6-8)
- Blue Moon ((Take 9/M))
- Dialogue (Fragment before "Tomorrow Night")
- I'll Never Let You Go (Little Darlin') [Incomplete Take]
- Good Rockin' Tonight (Fragment from Vocal Slapback Tape)
- I Don't Care if the Sun Don't Shine (Takes 1-3/M)
- I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone (Slow Version, Take 1)
- I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone (Slow Version, Take 2)
- I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone (Slow Version, Take 3)
- I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone (Slow Version, Takes 4-5)
- I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone (Slow Version, Takes 6-7)
- How Do You Think I Feel (Guitar Slapback Tape, Rehearsals + Take 1)
- When It Rains It Pours (Vocal Slapback Tape, Take 1)
- When It Rains It Pours (Vocal Slapback Tape, Take 2 - Rehearsal 1 - Takes 3-4)
- When It Rains It Pours (Vocal Slapback Tape, Take 5/M)
- When It Rains It Pours (Vocal Slapback Tape, Takes 6-8)
Disc 3
- That's All Right (Live from the Louisiana Hayride, Shreveport, Louisiana) (1954)
- Blue Moon of Kentucky (Live)
- Shake, Rattle And Roll
- Fool, Fool, Fool
- Hearts of Stone (Live)
- That's All Right (Live from the Louisiana Hayride, Shreveport, Louisiana) (January 15, 1955)
- Tweedlee Dee (Live from the Louisiana Hayride, Shreveport, Louisiana) (January 15, 1955)
- Shake, Rattle and Roll (Live on WJOI Radio)
- KSIJ Radio commercial with DJ Tom Perryman (Live)
- Money Honey (Live)
- Blue Moon of Kentucky (Live from the Louisiana Hayride, Shreveport, Louisiana)
- I Don't Care If the Sun Don't Shine (Live)
- That's All Right (Louisiana Hayride, Shreveport, Louisiana) (January 22, 1955)
- Tweedlee Dee (Live from the Louisiana Hayride, Shreveport, Louisiana)
- Money Honey (Live from the Louisiana Hayride, Shreveport, Louisiana)
- Hearts of Stone (Live from the Louisiana Hayride, Shreveport, Louisiana)
- Shake, Rattle and Roll (Live)
- Little Mama (Live)
- You're a Heartbreaker (Live)
- Good Rockin' Tonight (Live)
- Baby, Let's Play House (Live from Eagles' Hall, Houston, Texas)
- Blue Moon of Kentucky (Live from Eagles' Hall, Houston, Texas)
- I Got a Woman (Live)
- That's All Right (Live from Eagles' Hall, Houston, Texas)
- Tweedlee Dee (Live from the Gladewater High School, Gladewater, Texas)
- That's All Right (Live from the Jimmie Rodgers Memorial Festival, Meridian, Mississippi)
- I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone (Live)
- Baby, Let's Play House (Live from the Louisiana Hayride, Shreveport, Louisiana)
- Maybellene (Live)
- That's All Right (Live from the Louisiana Hayride, Shreveport, Louisiana) (August 20, 1955)
- Bob Neal Radio Promotion Spot (Live)
- I Forgot to Remember to Forget (Live)