
1998年 06月 25日
産品編號: MH2K63322
  • Disc 2
    1. You low-lived skunk (Maria and Sporting Life)
    2. Oh dey's so fresh an' fine... (Strawberry Woman"
    3. Oh"
    4. I'm on My Way... (Oh"
    5. Bess is gone (Lily"
    6. Act III"
    7. Lemme go"
    8. If dere warn't no Crown"
    9. Act II"
    10. Why you been out on that wharf so long"
    11. Jake's boat"
  • Disc 1
    1. Act II"
    2. Bess"
    3. Porgy and Bess
    4. Mus' be you mens forgot about de picnic (Annie"
    5. Act I"
    6. Oh"
    7. How de saucer stan' now"
    8. What"
    9. What's de matter wid you"
    10. Come on"
    11. Summertime (Clara"
    12. Dey's a Buckra comin' (Scipio"
    13. 'Lo"
    14. Here comes Big Boy! (Entrance of