
Simon Whitfield / Fish Memories (Original Soundtrack)
Simon Whitfield / (真) 新的一天 電影配樂
Simon Whitfield / Fish Memories (Original Soundtrack)
2024年 03月 29日
産品編號: 196871954365
## 藝術家簡介 - Simon Whitfield
Simon Whitfield 在影像配樂領域活躍超過 20 年,他的作品足跡遍布世界各地。他於 2009 年創作了首部長片配樂,一部獲獎並提名英國電影學院獎 (BAFTA) 的英國邪典電影《最後一個大法師》(Skeletons)。他在中國新疆拍攝電影《大地之歌》時,與哈薩克音樂家和演員合作作曲和錄製。紀錄片工作讓他前往中國、烏茲別克斯坦、吉爾吉斯斯坦和辛巴威。在國際經驗的宏觀視野中注入在地的細節與人物情感的深刻描繪。他最喜愛的樂器是南美洲的小吉他,它總能巧妙地融入他的許多配樂作品中。《(真)新的一天》是他與台灣資深導演陳宏一合作的首部長片配樂。

## 《(真)新的一天》電影原聲帶 - 編曲筆記
電影探討了現代世界中關於愛、家庭、聯繫和孤立的主題。大量使用了一種因其美麗而冷淡的音色而聞名的南美洲吉他。電影的倒敘場景讓人聯想到 60 年代的藝術電影 - 充滿豐富飽和的色彩,年輕戀人的樂觀主義,以及他們被偷走的夢想。音樂通過幾乎完全用那個時代標誌性樂器Mellotron來配樂,暗示了這些主題。電影的核心是主角真真的鋼琴曲,其美妙和微妙的性質展現了她處理實現復仇的後果時矛盾的情緒。音樂的和聲可以用“裸露”來形容,大量使用了二度音程、四度音程和七度音程。一支弦樂五重奏使整體更加圓潤。本作品獲文化部影視及流行音 樂產業局 112 年補助,直入你心的電影配樂,(真)新推薦。

數位收聽 https://lnk.to/SW_FM

Artist Profile
Simon Whitfield has worked in music for picture for over 20 years, his work taking him to many countries around the world. His first feature-length movie was the award-winning, BAFTA-nominated, UK cult movie, Skeletons, in 2009. Documentary work has taken him to China, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Zimbabwe. He wrote and recorded with Kazhak musicians and actors for the movie, The Land’s Music, in Xinjiang, China.

Composer’s Note
The movie explores themes of love, family, connection and isolation in the modern world. Much use is made of a small guitar from South America, notable for it’s austere tone. The film’s flashback scenes, reminiscent of 1960s arthouse - full of rich, saturated color; the optimism of young lovers; and their stolen dreams, are scored with the iconic instrument of that era, the Mellotron. A string quintet rounds off the ensemble.
    1. Seven Seconds
    2. Alone at Home
    3. Kicking Around/Hearing a Cat
    4. The Interview
    5. BBF
    6. In Bed
    7. The Power Cut
    8. Losing the Bet
    9. TShirt over the Balcony
    10. The Motorcycle Ride
    11. Motorcycle Brothers
    12. After the Beach/The Finger
    13. The Disposal
    14. The Threesome
    15. 62 Days Ago/Ice!
    16. Watermelon
    17. Back to Now/The Back of Her Head
    18. The Cigarette
    19. The Bushiban
    20. Standing in the Sea
    21. The Disposal alt.version
    22. Fish Memories